Company Safety Policy (Health & Safety at Work Act 1974)
Safe systems of work
In accordance with the Quickfall Tree Services' different processes, specific information on safety matters are followed for particular machines or processes. However, many principles of safe working practice are common to any situation and the following rules are to be observed:
Workplace requirements
All workplaces, accesses and exits are expected to be kept clean, tidy and free from accumulated rubbish and waste. A tidy place is a safer place.
Tools and equipment must be used properly and kept in good condition. Wear or damage will be rectified with particular attention being paid to safety guards and devices. Electrical and compressed air tools must be in good order, trailing flexes and air lines must be kept clear and visible.
Machinery (provision and use of Work Equipment Regulations 1988)
Only Quickfall Tree Services, or those working under close supervision, must operate any machine owned or hired by the company.
All machinery will be equipped and maintained according to the above regulations. This will include all guarding and safety devices, which conform to the requirements of the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 and PD5304: 2005, and which must be maintained at all times. Damage to any machine, or its guards, must be noted immediately.
Quickfall Tree Services is responsible for ensuring all work equipment is properly maintained. Maintenance records will be kept and all equipment maintained as per manufacturers’ recommendations, such as lifting tackle, chippers and hoists.
No person is allowed to drive or operate any vehicle, excavator, shovel, truck, chainsaw etc. unless he or she holds the appropriate license or certificate of competence. Photocopies of the appropriate license or certificate must be filed with the company’s
Health and Safety records.
Risks associated with using the equipment will be controlled by such measures as guards, protective devices, system controls, markings, PPE, and safe systems of work.
Only suitable equipment will be selected for each job. No employee will be asked, or shall use, any machine or item of equipment unless they have undergone training in the safe and correct use of the equipment.
Maintenance of electrical and other powered equipment
All power tools, electrical machinery, chainsaws and other equipment are to be inspected regularly – and records of inspection kept on file.
Defects will be rectified immediately – and particular attention paid to any necessary guards and safety devices. The use of equipment with defective safety devices is prohibited.
Work height regulations 2005 (as amended 2007)
All work at height requiring the use of work platforms or scaffolds will be erected in accordance with the Work at Height Regulations 2005.
A suitably qualified and trained person or persons in accordance with the manufacturer’s instruction manual will erect all scaffolding, including aluminium tower scaffolds. Adequate provision regarding handrails and toe boards will be made, in accordance with the Work at Height Regulations.
Working platforms and scaffolds will never be used for storing/stacking materials unless they have been specifically designed to be load bearing by a structural engineer.
Only ladders and stepladders that are of sound construction will be used. All ladders will be inspected monthly and the inspection recorded in the ladder register; defects will be rectified immediately. On no account must any employee operate balancing on sawhorses - or other ad hoc arrangements.
Access ladders to work platforms or scaffolds will be of sound construction, extend above the work platform and be securely lashed in place. No task will be performed from a ladder unless the ladder is securely tied or footed. At the end of the working day access ladders at ground level shall be removed and securely stored.
Rope access safety
Quickfall Tree Services will, where practicable ensure the use of safe climbing techniques when doing tree work by either:
Work positioning (e.g. changeover climbing using a harness, friction knot and climbing line)
Rope access and positioning (e.g. foot locking or single rope technique SRT)
Use of additional preventative measures
Using properly chosen equipment
Choosing reliable anchor points
Following industry and HSE guidance
Correct use of tools
Work at height training
Any employee required to work at height will receive the appropriate training prior to commencing work.
Quickfall Tree Services has the following publications in its Health and Safety File which any employee is advised to read:
Working at height – a brief guide (HSE)
Determination of rope access and work positioning techniques in arboriculture
Tree-climbing operations (AFAG401)
Aerial tree rescue (AFAG402)
Manual handling (operations) regulations 1992
Quickfall Tree Services will assess all generic manual-handling activities, and risks eliminated or reduced to an acceptable level. No employee or sub-contractor will be expected to lift any object that can be assessed as being likely to cause him or her injury when lifted in the correct manner.
Any new employees will be trained in manual handling operations as part of their initial health and safety induction. Those who have a pre-existing injury that might affect their capability to lift must advise the company so the risk of further injury can be avoided.
Risk assessment
Quickfall Tree Services carries out risk assessments for activities that are carried out. These lay down the safety control procedures which must be followed and identify appropriate PPE requirements. These assessments are contained within the company’s health and safety manual.
Quickfall Tree Services recognises each site has its own specific safety problems. The risk assessments give safety control procedures for safe work at any general location, or for a particular task.
Personal protective equipment at work regulations 1992
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is provided whether under statutory regulation or not. Any employee or sub contractor is advised PPE must always be worn when working with Quickfall Tree Services.
All employees are reminded of the necessity to protect themselves from injury or health hazards. The company will always provide any required protective clothing or equipment to employees and its absence at any one time should not be taken as an omission.
Sub–contractors will be required to supply and use appropriate protective clothing and equipment at all times.
Employees and sub-contractors will be instructed to take particular care to protect head, eyes, ears, limbs and respiratory organs.
Specified circumstances are:
Safety helmets and footwear will be worn on all sites where there is an identified risk of head or foot injury
Protective glasses and masks will be worn
Ear protection will be worn
Any other operation, which is subsequently, assessed as requiring the use of personal protective equipment
PPE will be inspected, used and maintained in a sanitary and reliable condition and will be renewed as and when necessary. Ear defenders will be examined every month to ensure their effectiveness.
It is employees’ duty of care to ensure PPE is washed, cleaned and cared for - and that Quickfall Tree Services is notified of any degradation or faulty equipment so replacement PPE items can be issued.
First aid and reporting to the Health and Safety Executive
Quickfall Tree Services will ensure the following arrangements are in place:
Abiding by all obligations as set out in the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 and The Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981
Keeping a first aid box in every workplace, and the cab of each vehicle
Keeping each first aid box fully replenished with the vehicle location shown clearly on the lid
Being a competent first-aider and undergoing appropriate refresher training
When sub-contractors are used, ensuring a nominated competent first-aider is on site at all times
Making sure all employees know where the first aid box is
All accidents and injuries, however minor, will be reported to the company to ensure it is investigated as required.
An accident book is maintained by Quickfall Tree Services to record the details of any injuries sustained by employees - or any other person as a result of their work activities.
Under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR) all of the below will be reported:
Dangerous occurrences
Major injuries
Fatal accidents
Accident and incident investigation
Accidents at work are reported in accordance with Quickfall Tree Services' procedures. A record is kept of all accidents and the circumstances always investigated to see if any special actions are required.
Near miss incidents must also be reported as these assist in identifying potential problems/trends, which, if addressed, may prevent an accident occurring in the future.
Emergency procedures
In addition to those in existence for first aid, emergency procedures will be written and communicated as appropriate for individual circumstances - however the basic procedures include:
Everyone on site conforming to the emergency procedures detailed on the site-specific sheet
Quickfall Tree Services being responsible for the implementation of fire and emergency procedures on each site
Site visitors signing in and out of a visitors’ book - so in the event of an emergency everyone can be accounted for
The company will ensure all emergency procedures are reviewed either annually, when a change in operating procedures occurs, or as a result of an incident.
Security and public safety
Workplaces will be kept secure against trespass by others, particularly children, inside and outside working hours.
Visitors are not allowed to enter working areas where danger might exist, unless accompanied by Quickfall Tree Services. All visitors must observe the same health and safety requirement as the company - and wear appropriate protective clothing, such as safety helmets.
Waste management and housekeeping
Sites and work areas will be kept clean and tidy, and waste not allowed to accumulate.
Waste will be removed regularly in suitable containers and disposed of. Waste shall be disposed of via a registered waste carrier and in accordance with the Duty of Care Code of Practice.
Sub-contractor selection process
Quickfall Tree Services must satisfy itself that potential sub-contractors have adequate health and safety procedures in place prior to selection. Upon selection, all sub–contractors must agree to abide by Quickfall Tree Services’ health and safety procedures and best practices as a minimum standard.
Quickfall Tree Services will take all reasonable and practical steps to fulfil its obligations, duties and responsibilities under all acts and regulations affecting the health and safety of any employee.
Review of health and safety policy​
The Health and Safety Policy will be reviewed on an annual basis and updated to include new risks and changes in procedures or responsibilities when required.